How to use LACRIFILL®
LACRIFILL® is easy for you to administer during a quick in-office procedure. Instructions for Use“Instilling the gel is as simple as any routine irrigation procedure—and, when needed, the gel can be easily irrigated from the lacrimal system.”
– John P. Fezza, MD.
- 1LACRIFILL comes in a pre-filled injector with enough gel to treat the lower and upper canaliculi.
- 2A cannula tip** is placed in the punctum and the LACRIFILL gel is inserted.
- 3The gel flows through the punctum into the lacrimal sac.
- 4If you see the gel extruding from the upper punctum, you know that both the upper and lower puncta have been blocked.
**Clinical discretion can be used for the appropriate cannula size.

Watch how to administer LACRIFILL
In Summary:
- Each syringe is for single patient administration.
- Store at room temperature.
- Ensure the cannula is finger-tight and securely locked to the syringe.
- Apply gentle steady upward pressure to prime the cannula.
- Clinical discretion can be used for the appropriate cannula size.
- Fill up to 0.2mL per punctum.
“This technology is disruptive and will change the way we practice ophthalmology and optometry.”